To be able to connect and send data over a LoRaWAN network, you need a set of keys.
DevAddress comparable to a phone number. It contains the network operator address, which specifies the operator to contact and identifies the device so the network operator knows where the data is coming from.
Network Session Key a hash value, used to encrypt the entire data packet (at the network layer level) being sent over the wire. Together with the DevAddress, it is used to uniquely identify a device. This hash value makes certain that no one can steal the data packet while being transmitted over the air.
Application Session Key a hash value, used to encrypt the data part of the data packet (your sensor data). This is a secondary protection layer which protects the data sent to the service provider infrastructure.
All three values are supplied to the modem when communication is initiatied.
LoRa Keys from AllThingsTalk
You can download your LoRa Keys from AllThingsTalk Maker.