This tutorial will help you set up your first working Raspberry Pi experiment. Simply follow these steps as you go.
We will use the raspberrypi-python-client/
of the AllThingsTalk Python client as our first example.
To use your Raspberry Pi, you need an SD card with
If you are using the AllThingsTalk Raspberry Pi starter kit, you don’t need to do anything. The SD card is pre-installed and you can go directly to the basic example or experiments.
If you’re starting from scratch, the Raspberry Pi has to boot the Raspbian Wheezy operating system from the SD card.
In this guide, we will use PuTTY to do so.
To connect with our SSH client, we need the IP address of our Raspberry Pi. There are several options to get this.
Or check finding the IP address Raspberry Pi page for more information.
Enter the default username and password
You will now enter the Command Line Interface of your Raspberry Pi
sudo raspi-config
For more information about the config tool, please visit the Raspberry Pi documentation
Finally we need to install some libraries so we can use
Follow these steps
git clone
cd raspberrypi-python-client
sudo bash
sudo bash
You will be prompted with a few questions during installation. Afterwards, the Raspberry Pi will reboot.
When done, you are ready to start using AllThingsTalk!
First we need to create our device. Log in to AllThingsTalk Maker and navigate to the ground in which you want to create your device. Next follow these instructions.
If you just created a new account, you will have a default ground called playground setup for you. You can use this ground to create your devices.
Download and copy the sketch to the Raspberry Pi. We will use a FTP connection for this. A program like WinSCP can set this up.
We are now ready to run the demo script!
sudo python
You can now watch the values change in AllThingsTalk Maker.
Toggle the LED or turn the knob and see what happens.
That’s it! You just made your first working IoT prototype!
So something has gone wrong. It happens but here’s a few things that can you help you debug what’s happening.
If things do not work as expected, let’s do some debugging and check a few things to troubleshoot and find the problem:
In your SSH session, run the python command. This will start a python shell that displays the version number It should be: Python 2.7.3 or higher. To exit python, press Ctrl+X.
If you get an error message or if it’s a lower version number, then you should re-install python.
You can do this with the following commands:
1 | sudo apt-get -y install python-dev python-pip |
Are you connected to the internet? Are the network LEDs flashing on your Raspberry Pi? Can you ping your device?
Is the Raspberry Pi connected correctly, did the libraries install ok?
You can run the ‘blinking-LED’ demo included with the Grove library to verify that the shield is working as expected. It uses an LED connected to the same pin as the AllThingsTalk demo, so you can leave the hardware in the same place.
To start this demo:
cd raspberrypi-python-client/GrovePi/Software/Python
sudo python ./ # (or '' depending on library)
#Press Ctrl+C to stop the demo
If the device appears to be ok in the web app, but no data appears to be arriving, even if you can see on the screen of the RPI that the application is sending data, then it’s best to check the data type that was assigned to the asset. If this is not the same as the data that you are uploading, then nothing will be saved and you wont see any updates.
For instance, if the asset is defined as an ‘int’, but you are sending the value ‘string1’ or ‘a text value’, then nothing will be stored as the platform is expecting to see an integer, not strings.
Microsoft provides a great step by step tutorial to get you started.
From putting the OS on the device to uploading your first application.
If you are using the AllThingsTalk Raspberry Pi Win10 starter kit, you can skip this step. The SD card is pre-installed with the OS.
It is best to install (and upgrade) the libraries from within Visual Studio itself with the nuget packet manager.
Simply right-click on your project and select manage nuget packages.
In the right pane, there is an actions drop down list where you can select to install, upgrade or remove it.
Using a GrovePi shield makes connecting your sensors and actuators much easier, which allows for faster prototyping.
GrovePi is already supported in the .net environment. You can install this library from nuget in the standard way (see above).
Here is a small code snippet on how to use the library in C#&35;:
1 | var led = DeviceFactory.Build.Led(Pin.DigitalPin2); |
Deploying the application to your device is almost as easy, especially if you deploy from within Visual Studio.
This will copy your application to the RPI that was selected for debugging. If you want to deploy to a different machine, you will have to update
the IP address in the debug tab of the project properties (see above).
Deploying won’t automatically start your application! You’ll have to do one more step first to make it run automatically whenever the RPI boots up.
IotStartup add headed <your app name>
For a complete list of all the available commands, check here.
That’s it to get your Raspberry Pi up and running with the AllThingsTalk client using Windows 10!
First we need to create our device. Log in to AllThingsTalk Maker and navigate to the ground in which you want to create your device. Next follow these instructions.
If you just created a new account, you will have a default ground called playground setup for you. You can use this ground to create your devices.
The Raspberry Pi will use C# applications which you write and modify on your computer.
You can find the example application in the Blinky - IOT
folder of the libraries you downloaded to your computer.
file in your projectby changing the following line:
1 | _device = new Device("your client id", "your client key", _logger); |
You find the device credentials under the SETUP tab of your device settings, which you can find behind the gear icon.
We are now ready to run the demo application!
To run the C# application, make sure you set the target device correctly in Visual Studio. Do this by entering the IP-address of your device as seen below.
Now simply hit Run and your application will start. The assets created under your device in the AllThingsTalk Maker.
Play with the assets (knob, button and LED) and see what happens!
That’s it! You just made your first working IoT prototype!
Running your application in debug mode is really easy:
make certain that you have filled in the IP address of your RPI:
When debugging, make certain that your application isn’t already running on the RPI (for instance, when you previously did a deploy). This wont work. You’ll have to stop all other instances first.