We’ve added another cool application to our store - Geofence! It helps you get notified whenever an important object enters or leaves an area of your interest.
You can create and manage multiple geofence instances, to support many use-cases.
Usecase: A national park ranger wants to get notified when a bear enters the feeding area
The ranger will draw a circle on the map to define the feeding zone. Then he’ll specify which location devices he’d like to track (imagine that a small location device is attached to the bear’s collar). He’ll then choose to receive an enter alert, and whether to get the notification via email, web or push.
And that’s it - as soon as the bear enters the feeding area, the ranger will get the notification. **
Export ground data
In order for ground owners to analyse their data with a tool of their choice, you can now export all ground device data in a CSV format.
Ground data export is available in the Maker+ subscription.
Maximum range of a single export is 31 days. You can export multiple set of ranges.